KALA-Qualität: So macht man das.

KALA quality:
The perfect solution
for every project.

Ultimately, we only care about what you and your colleagues prefer: products offered by us or our competitors. In light of this, we do things right from the start and guarantee top quality from the word go – often with an official seal of approval.

Tried-and-tested products


Tried-and-tested products

We get our inspiration from the most important source of all: our customers, the users of our products. Here’s how we create our products: We first convert a strong concept into sketches, resulting in the initial technical design and perhaps also a prototype, made possible and cost-efficient by state-of-the-art technology such as additive manufacturing.

Prototype testing: You’ll never know until you try.

Our team of experts test the prototypes to quickly discover whether we’re on the right track: Any weak points in terms of processing and handling can be detected far quicker in practice. Once our site equipment experts have granted their seal of approval, the new product goes into production. Customer satisfaction is consequently guaranteed when using KALA quality products.

Learn more about our philosophy

Quality with an official seal of approval

Qualität mit Brief und Siegel

Quality with an official seal of approval

Nothing is more important to craftsmen than whether a product is easy to use. Craftsmen, planners and buyers need to be able to rely on the product to deliver its technical promises. As a result, we are committed to verifying the performance of our products with an official seal of approval.

LGA testing and conformity to regulations

For example, all of our drains and emergency overflows are carefully tested by TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH to guarantee the quality and drainage performance specified by KALA. Our customers can rest assured that our products will perform as promised.
In addition, when we design our roof products, we work in compliance with the pertinent DIN standards and regulatory guidelines issued by the ZVDH (Central Association of the German Roofing Trade). When it comes to waterproofing roofs, in particular, poorly designed products can lead to consequential damage, which often carries a hefty price tag. Our aim is to protect your customers, you and ourselves from this risk. As a result, we ensure strict compliance with the applicable standards and regulations.
Visit TÜV Rheinland LGA Products
Visit the ZVDH website